2024 Morrow County Dryland 3-Stop Crop Tour
Monday (After Lunch), May 20th
1st Stop @ 1:30 PM: A Field of Camelina: Production Opportunities, Markets, and More
Craig Miles (Local Producer)
Tera Davis & Kyle Reedy (Sustainable Oils)
Clarks Canyon Road
(45.42037 N; 119.70876 W)
From Lexington: Travel on “F” Street for a short distance and take the easy right onto Clarks Canyon Road.Travel on Clarks Canyon Road for about 4 miles. Look for the signs.
2nd Stop (Approximately 3 PM): Winter Wheat Variety Trial
Margaret Krause (New OSU Wheat Breeder), Ryan Graebner (Cereal Scientist, OSU; Variety Testing), and Larry Lutcher
4-Mile Area
(45.52502 N; 119.99814 W)
From Ione: Travel W/NW (down-the-creek) about 3 miles.Take the “easy-left” onto Macnab Lane (just after mile marker 25). Travel up the hill and then go due west for about 4 miles. Turn right onto Fourmile Road (the gravel road by the rock pile) and drive north for 1.5 miles.Turn right onto Eubanks Lane and drive about 1,000 ft.Plots are on the left-hand (north side) of the road.
3rd and Final Stop (4 PM; Approximately): Seed Treatments and
Grain Protein Enhancement
Christina Hagerty (Dryland Cereal Pathologist) and Larry Lutcher
Eli Canyon
(45.53143 N; 119.97955 W)
From the Winter Wheat Variety Trial: Travel East on Eubanks Lane for about ½ mile. Continue north for ½ mile, then east for almost half-a-mile.Look for the signs. Plots are on the right-hand (south-side) of the road.